Thursday, 12 October 2017

Our Pitch

In preparation for our pitch we had a lesson where we collated all our work onto one sheet of concepts so we had all our ideas in one place and could use this as a prompt sheet for our pitch.

From here we created a keynote presentation where we chose to use pictures to illustrate each of our points rather than writing them out as we thought this would make for a more interesting and engaging presentation as well as helping our audience to visualise the video. We created a kind of virtual mood board.

We put three pictures on each slide and talked through what each one represented for our idea. We tried to make our contributions to the pitch equal and helped each other by making sure every concept we presented was fully explained and comprehensive.

Another fun feature of our presentation was our decision to slowly seep colour into the pictures through the pitch; they begin in black and white and end in complete colour. This is to mimic the idea we want to do in the video but, instead of just stating it, we demonstrated it to give our audience a better understanding.

I think our pitch went really well. We managed to get all our ideas across clearly and covered our narrative and visual concepts, messages we were playing with, target audience, influences and our communication with the band.

We have emailed the band a link to our pitch on youtube so they can also clearly see the ideas we've had in preparation for a meeting with them. We have also set up a youtube account for Magpie Media so we can post our footage through the process.

1 comment:

  1. This was a fantastic pitch by a group who are clearly thinking hard about the themes, aesthetic and structure of their creative ideas - I'm very impressed, well done.
